Just a simple outfit and hair style for Christmas!
Follow me around! Christmas Shopping!
Featured Artist: Francesca Buchko
You can find this photo: Here
Hello everyone! I'm back with some amazing art I stumbled across on Pinterest and I'd like to shift the focus to this amazing artist, Francesca Buchko. I was just on her website and she has hundreds, heck, even thousands of amazing sketches, paintings, illustrations, and pictures. I even found that some of them were based on her travels and even just her basic interests! Isn't that just inspiring? I'll of course post a link to her website and even her Etsy where you can buy some of the art I featured in this post on a postcard for under 3 dollars! How sweet is that? So I hope you enjoy this lovely art and take time to check out her website! Cheers!
You can find all of these photos: Here
For today it was a breath -
one lovely, slow, deep breath.
Yesterday it was a moment drinking tea
alone. She noticed the steam curling up.
She decided to watch for pockets like those daily.
To plan for them, even.
To outer them like she might
the doorway of a dear friend - XNoelle
I just wanted to give a little peek at what I picked up over the weekend at the Salvation Army! I was on a search for some christmas decorations and came across this bad boy. It's a porcelain snowman music box! The four characters skate in a circle on the inside and for 1.86! It's absolutely positively so adorable for the holidays! Happy Holidays all!
Featured Artist: Pascal Campion
You can find this picture: Here
How exciting! Hello everyone and I am here to introduce you to this amazing art by Pascal Campion! Just soak in that glory! His art happens to be some of my favorite as well as most people around the world! So here I am just to drop some of my favorite pieces and I will post his link to his own BlogSpot where he posts his new art and has a little info on each piece he does! I hope you enjoy this beautiful art as much as I do! Enjoy!
You can find all of these pictures: Here
Link to his BlogSpot: Here
Once she stopped rushing through life,
she was amazed how much more life she had time for
~ Unknown
You can find this picture: Here
How exciting! Hello everyone and I am here to introduce you to this amazing art by Pascal Campion! Just soak in that glory! His art happens to be some of my favorite as well as most people around the world! So here I am just to drop some of my favorite pieces and I will post his link to his own BlogSpot where he posts his new art and has a little info on each piece he does! I hope you enjoy this beautiful art as much as I do! Enjoy!
You can find all of these pictures: Here
Link to his BlogSpot: Here
Once she stopped rushing through life,
she was amazed how much more life she had time for
~ Unknown
Now it's time to overcome your beauty drawer!
This might include items such as:
- Nail Polish
- Lotions
- Perfumes
- Hair Ties
- Headbands
- Other Hair Accessories
- Etc!
So let's get moving on cleaning up and organizing your beauty drawer!
It's important to know how many products are essential and practical for your life! Here's a tiny list of what can allow you to live comfortably with minimal choices but enough to have variety.
For hair ties and hair accessories
- Throw away and broken stretched or dirty accessories
- Donate or sell any accessories you no longer use
- Choose a few pieces you truly love for everyday and special occasion use
Nail polish
- Throw away any chunky or sticky polish
- Donate or sell any unused polish you have not yet used
- Choose around 10 or less colors you absolutely love in order to lower your stash
My Drawer Includes:
- 2 Lotions
- 2 Perfumes
- 1 Hair Product
- 8 Bottles of Nailpolish
- 3 Moisturizers/Creams
- Hair accessories
- Ties/Clips/Bobby Pins
These organizers shown within my drawers came from Ross and Target but I'll link items similar to these below!
You can find this organizer: Here
You can find this organizer: Here
Hello all! Welcome to one of the most cluttered area of most lives! Your collection of shoes. So where do we start with purging on these types of items? Let me go ahead and give you an easy list to
get started!
Now that you have gotten rid of a couple shoes now let's look at some additional guidelines to get your shoes in order with your desired minimalist lifestyle. For me! I went from 3 drawers and the floor to only two compartments! I'll show you my favorite organizing tip later on!
Here's my list that helped me get my shoe amount back in order!
These shoes can of course be substituted but having 10 pairs of shoes is a great amount to change your lifestyle! If you find yourself still stuck on getting your shoe amount down, think of which shoes you wear the most. You only have two feet and you must keep that in mind!
Now for my favorite organizer!
Instead of having shoes on the ground of stuffed into drawers, I found a great piece of furniture that holds all my shoes but is still small enough to fit into tighter spaces!
It only costs $24.99! And comes in White and Black/Brown
You can find this cabinet: Here
Next upon your journey you must take on your mounds and mounds of makeup! This is a category many tend to splurge and hoard on! The more choices means the more options we have, right? Well actually! How often do you touch the sky blue eyeliner or the disco sparkled eyeshadow? Probably maybe once or twice a year. Although many of your cosmetic items are sealed, they actually do have an expiration date!
Here's a nifty little chart to instantly pick out which makeup items you should toss at this moment!
You can find more information about this: Here
Congratulations! Hopefully some of that helped you cut down on some expired makeup that maybe you haven't touched in a while!
Now! Just like the other areas of your life, just run through these simple steps to cut down a bit more in your cosmetic life!
Step 1: Take out ALL makeup and lay in front of you.
Step 2: Throw away any cracked/broken makeup (expired should already be tossed!).
Step 3: Get rid of any makeup you don't normally touch or have found a replacement for.
Step 4: If any remaining makeup if left over that you are unsure about, run through these simple questions to determine if you should keep it!
And there you are! If you still find yourself with more makeup than you could ever use, run through the steps again!
Final Test
(The travel challenge)
Still confused on your essentials? Well here we go! Grab a bag! Got one? Say you are going on a week vacation! Grab the makeup items you'd normally use on a daily basis during your vacation!
Got the items?
Now look at what is not in the bag! These items you seem to not find to the upmost importance, so why have them?
Hopefully some of this helped cut your little guilty pleasure down a little bit! Now just to cut back on those trips to Ulta and Sephora..but we'll save that for another time!
For organization of your makeup I chose a simple drawer/organizer combo shown right above in this picture!
You can find this exact product: Here
I find this perfectly holds all my makeup and looks clean due to its transparent design! Absolutely love it!
Now that you've tackled some of your clothing! It's time to tackle the dreaded one sock and million pair underwear drawer! These items tend to pile up over time or lose their pair constantly. So let's get started in going from disorganized to organized!
How to Get Started!
The goal is to have 7-8 pairs of each type of undergarment necessary!
This amount will get you through the week and wont take up any extra space within your drawer!
Make sure to throw away any garments that are :missing it's pair/stained/has holes/or does not fit.
Find this product: Here
After following this guide, I went ahead and ordered these drawer organizers off of amazon for only 10.89 with free shipping! (will leave my opinion on this purchase at the bottom).
These will keep your undergarments organized and clean looking!
Now enjoy your new spacious drawer!
Review on: Lagute Drawer Dividers Closet Organizers
Bra Underwear Storage Cloth Boxes (Set of 4)
A lot of buyers complained about a chemical smell upon receiving, I didn't run into this problem and the product is washable as well so the smell isn't a huge deal! Shipping took about 2-3 weeks and came in a trash bag looking mailer. Upon opening the mailer, the package was open but everything was included. Overall I am happy with my purchase and love the easy storage of the unused organizers!
Perhaps, one of the most cluttered areas in your house happens to be your closet. As consumers, we are often attracted to having a large closet with a large amount of choices. Surprisingly, we only wear 20% of what we own. For me, downsizing my closet became easier and easier over time with knowing what I truly wear.
So let's get started!
Steps On How To Downsize
1} Take everything out of your closet.
2} Get 3 or 4 bins or tags depending on which path you choose for your clothing!
-Labeled keep/donate/trash/sell (Ill link below some of my favorite apps to sell on!)
3} Start by getting rid of anything you absolutely know you don't want anymore leaving the harder decisions for later.
-Anything ripped or stained throw away.
-Get rid of any duplicates.
The Unsure of Items
Are you stuck on some of those pieces of clothing that you have yet to touch but feel guilty about getting rid of? Just follow this simple questioner to help you decide whether or not its meant to be!
click to enlarge
Now that you've successfully moved your items out and into categories, get rid of them as soon as possible! Letting these items hang around will only add to the clutter and give you possible second thoughts on what you might want to keep. If you find yourself with this problem, just run through the chart again to refocus!
Now to share some of my favorite apps/websites with you all!
Linked down below for convenience!

I've been using these three selling origins for a whole year and have absolutely loved my experience. You can visit these sites/apps for more information on the company or how to get started!
~Apps available for iPhone and android devices~
Link to Poshmark: www.poshmark.com
~Mercari is only an app at the moment~
Minimalism is a design and lifestyle movement towards simplicity and focusing on taking away everything that does not serve an all consuming purpose. It is function over fashion and quality over quantity.
Though, minimalism does not mean having near to nothing, it is simply an idea that one owns as much as they find comfortable, in means of course.
Why Start This Lifestyle?
The general benefits of adopting a minimalist lifestyle are...
less cluttered work and living spaces
more mental clarity
more time doing what you absolutley love
a smaller environmental footprint
a healthy relationship with your possessions
You can find more on what it is to be a minimalist here:
Where To Start?
Starting a minimalist lifestyle can be daunting and hard to imagine within your own life. For me, I was laughed at by my family for saying I was going to begin changing my ways. I considered myself a tiny hoarder that loved owning hundreds of different little trinkets, clothes, and accessories. I always believed that owning more would make my life more interesting or allow me to have a bigger selection. So let me just shed a little light on my situation and where a little amount of time has taken me within my journey and will hopefully allow you to become more interested in changing how you consume.
Click to Enlarge:
Hopefully this will inspire you to begin your life journey to becoming a more simplistic being.
A world full of~
and Beauty
Welcome to my World
I cant wait to share!