Live Beautiful Better Free

Live Differently

2:33 PM

Hello Everyone!
So I'm really excited to introduce a new little segment I call Live Beautiful Live Better Live Free.
I'm really hoping that this allows some of you readers to step back from where you are at this moment in time to evaluate how you are living or how you have lived.
While on my journey to bettering myself emotionally, mentally, and physically I realized how blinded I was as to what I was putting on or in my body.
Here in America, we function on consumerism. 
I of course being American, do not escape this issue.
From trash to chemicals, I was putting it all onto my skin, into my body, and eventually into the landfills.
So what am I exactly getting at?
In order to fully cleanse your life, you need to look at what you use closely.
Do your products contain materials that go into landfills, are they filled with chemicals, or do they support immoral practices?  
I took a careful look at every single product I owned and realized that most of what I owned was not recyclable, healthy, and was in fact not cruelty free.
So based on the fact that I wanted to improve my health and mind, I decided it was best to use up what I own or give away products that are unused and not expired and eventually move onto products that will better myself as well as the planet.
And finally, here I am almost totally using vegan or vegetarian, natural, and environmentally friendly products in which I am excited to share with all of you who stumble upon this post!
Of course this is not for everyone! I did this for my sake and am just happy to share products I have found or made to give readers ideas if they want an alternative.
So without further or due, thank you so much for joining me and I hope you find inspiration in what I bring to the table!

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